Learning from Authoritative Security Experiment Results

Workshop Overview
The Learning from Authoritative Security Experiment Results (LASER) workshop series focuses on learning from and improving cyber security experimental results. LASER explores both positive and negative results, the latter of which are not often published. LASER's overarching goal is to foster a dramatic change in the paradigm of cyber security research and experimentation, improving the overall quality of practiced science.
The 4th LASER workshop was held as an IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshop (SPW 2016), co-located with the 37th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy ("Oakland"). The workshop was held on Thursday, May 26, 2016 in San Jose, CA, USA.
LASER 2016 focused on cyber security experimentation methods and results that demonstrated approaches to increasing the repeatability and archiving of experiments, methods, results, and data. LASER was a constructive and highly interactive venue featuring informal paper presentations and extended discussions. To promote a high level of interaction, attendance was limited, with first preference given to participating authors. Additional seats were available on a first-come first-served basis.
LASER seeks to foster good science in the next generation of cyber security researchers. As such, LASER offers a limited number of student scholarships for participation each year.